Lazy Sunday Hutkonzert: Voda // KuBa Jena
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Kulturbahnhof Jena // Cosmic Dawn
Kulturbahnhof Jena // Cosmic Dawn


Kulturbahnhof Jena
Projektgebäude Kulturbahnhof Jena, 07743 Jena, Deutschland

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Okt. 10 2021


20:30 - 23:00

Lazy Sunday Hutkonzert: Voda Sonntag, 10.10. KuBa Jena

VODA is an original trio founded by a Polish guitarist & singer Radek Kopeć in 2014.

So. 10.10.2021 19.30 Uhr Jena – KulturBahnhof

The band associated with rock music quickly surprised listeners with their debut called ONERARE (Aedificium 2015). The album included complex, ambitious compositions (e.g. a string quartet hooking up with modern classical music) with uncompromising energy of rock, showed the artistic horizon in which Voda will follow in the future. „Onerare” met very good reviews in the Polish press (Teraz Rock, Guitarist etc.) and was highly acclaimed by audience and rock fans.

The band confirmed its strong position on the market with the second album called AMPHIBIA, released in 2019 by Aedificium, which mainly includes compositions created during numerous concert tours (Voda has played over 300 concerts throughout their native Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Germany, Lithuania and Great Britain). Their music was presented on almost all main radio stations in Poland, which is unique with such ambitious music.

Einlass: 19:30 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Lazy Sunday Hutkonzert: Konzert auf Spendenbasis, die Erlöse gehen direkt an die Band.
Unter welchen Bedingungen? Wird noch bekannt gegegen.
Lazy Sunday Hutkonzert: Voda // KuBa Jena
Lazy Sunday Hutkonzert: Voda // KuBa Jena

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